DUB Arena - The Dream for a New Rink


The dream of constructing a state-of-the-art two-sheet hockey rink in Wilmington, NC, offers immense hope for the local community and the UNCW Seahawks Hockey Team. The Seahawks lack a dedicated facility, which hampers their training and competitive opportunities. A new rink would provide them with a home base, enhancing team cohesion, improving practice and game schedules, and elevating their overall performance.

This facility would allow the team to conduct on- and off-ice workouts at the rink while also allowing them to schedule practices and games at a time that is more conducive to college hockey, whereas they presently have to start their games at 10:00 pm. Another benefit for the team and the community is that the rink could hold up to 1,500 - 2,500 fans, whereas currently, the team is only allowed a maximum of 400 fans at each game due to the fire code of the present rink that they skate at.

A new rink will not only serve the Seahawks but also act as a catalyst for the growth of ice sports in the region, accommodating youth leagues, Junior League, Adult League, tournaments, and public skating sessions. Such a venue would be a focal point for community engagement, encouraging an active lifestyle and fostering local talent in ice sports.

At this juncture, the initial step towards realizing this vision is conducting a comprehensive Feasibility Study, which comes in two phases. The first phase costs $7,000 and will assess the project's viability, including location, potential user groups, and preliminary financial projections. If the results are positive, phase two will delve deeper into the project’s specifics, costing an additional $14,000. This phase will include a more detailed financial analysis, architectural plans, and operational considerations. The total investment for the feasibility study is $21,000, a necessary expenditure to ensure the project is practical and sustainable.

To move forward, we are contacting the community for donations to fund this critical feasibility study. Community support is essential in this endeavor, as it provides the necessary financial resources and demonstrates local interest and commitment to the project. Donations of any size will contribute significantly to bringing this vision closer to reality. A new hockey rink would be more than just a facility; it would be a community asset, driving economic growth, enhancing the quality of life, and providing a permanent home for the UNCW Seahawks Hockey Team. Your support can make this transformative project possible.

If you would like to review the feasibility study quote that Ballard King sent, please click on the document below.

To donate to the Feasibility Study, please click the Seahawks Bar below. All donations will go to a separate account within the Wilmington Seahawks Booster Hockey Club, Inc. (non-profit association) and will only be used for the feasibility study. In the comment bar - list feasibility study.

Click Below for a Sketch of WILMINGTON ARENA

Click Below for UNCW New Project by UNCW Students

Click Below for UNCW New Rink Video Presentation by UNCW Students

Click the link below to view the PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDY for Wilmington Arena.

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